Primitive Reflexes: Part One

Primitive Reflexes: Part One

Primitive Reflexes: Part One What are primitive reflexes? Primitive reflexes are automatic movements that develop in the brain stem before birth. These involuntary movements are signaled from the brain stem and don’t require involvement from other areas of the brain. The reflexes help the baby survive and develop in utero, during birth, and the first few […]

We’re Moving to a New Spot!

We’re Moving to a New Spot!

We’re excited to announce that the Therapy SPOT will be moving to a new spot this June 2016. Our new spot will be located at: 30903 W 10 Mile Rd Suite B Farmington Hills MI 48336   Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.

Welcome to The Therapy Spot

Welcome to The Therapy Spot

The Therapy SPOT is a pediatric therapy clinic specializing in speech-language, physical, and occupational therapy. We offer comprehensive evaluations and individual therapy plans. We provide expertise in treating the whole child with an emphasis on collaboration with the family and other members of the child’s team and community. We have a team approach in a […]