Karen is Celebrating 4 Yrs
Karen is celebrating 4 yrs as part of The Therapy SPOT team. Way to go, Karen!
Karen is celebrating 4 yrs as part of The Therapy SPOT team. Way to go, Karen!
Finger Twister Activity Skills Addressed: finger dexterity and finger isolation Materials & Set-Up: Materials to make: twister board and spinner template, glue, cardboard or cereal box, scissors Materials to play: twister board, a coin, and your fingers! 1. Print: Twister Board and Spinner Template 2. Cut out and glue twister board to piece of cardboard […]
Our team of expert speech, physical and occupational therapists are dedicated and passionate. Congratulations to Kathy for 2 years as part of The Therapy SPOT team! So many patients have benefited from your knowledge!
BUILDING BLOCKS TO VISUAL PERCEPTION Occupational therapists can address difficulties with visual perception and the development of key building blocks to improve on visual perceptual skills WHAT IS VISUAL PERCEPTION? The ability to recognize, recall, discriminate, and make sense of what we see in our surrounding environment. WHY IS VISUAL PERCEPTION IMPORTANT? Good visual perceptual […]
SOCIAL STORIES What are social stories and how can they help your child? Social Stories are a social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals, and people with autism of all ages (Gray, 2018). Carol Gray, founder of Social Stories, states that there is only one definition for […]
SENSORY MELTDOWNS A sensory meltdown is a fight or flight response to sensory overload. It can often be mistaken for a tantrum or behavior problem. Children with sensory processing challenges can be compared to this cup example. Our sensory kids’ cups are typically occupied by some level of sensory challenge throughout the day. They experience […]
THERAPEUTIC LISTENING Sounds impact us throughout our everyday life. For example, listening to repetitive nature sounds can be calming. On the other hand, fast paced music can be energizing. Sense of hearing, also known as auditory, provides us information about the environment and has an influence on how our body reacts. Therapeutic Listening is a […]
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding is a therapeutic approach used to increase the variety of food a child eats. According to the SOS approach, eating is a learned behavior which is established through negative and positive reinforcements. The goal of the program is to create situations […]
Primitive Reflexes: Part Two Reflex Name Palmar Grasp Reflex Spinal Galant Reflex Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex Moro Reflex or “Startle” Reflex Age reflex appears and then disappears Appears around 16 weeks in utero and remains until 5-6 months of age Develops in utero and remains until 9 months of age Develops in utero and remains until […]